Monday, July 20, 2009

 Treasure Bag (Commodities) - Map

Hi Friends

The Treasure Map for commodities are : -

Our Top Picks are crude oil and gold.

Buy crude oil above 64.33 - 64.69 - 65.15 - 65.61 SL - 64, below 63.96 - 63.50 - 63.04 - 62.68 SL - 64

Buy Gold above 950.70 - 953.87 - 956.95 - 960.03 Sl - 948, sell below 947.53 - 944.45 - 941.37 - 938.20
SL - 949

Trading in the market involves risk, this information being provided is for educational purpose only, one should take advices from there financial consultants before making any final decisions in there trades, we hold no responsibility, and the trader is trading at there own risk.



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