Thursday, February 25, 2010

 Commodities 25th Feb 2010 - Part 4

Hello Pirates

The commodities calls for the session are as follows : -

Silver - March

High 24850 Low 24630 Cmp 24840

Buy at 24866 target 24892 - 24918 - 24945 - 24971
SL 24813

Sell at 24813 target 24787 - 24761 - 24735 - 24708
SL 24866

Time : - 5:45 pm
Target by 11 pm

Go for Atleast 2 - 3 targets as per these are levels below or above the levels can see the next target

We would like to wish all the Pirates a very all the BEST.


Treasure Captain
Yahoo User ID - moneybaghunt
Live Conference at

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